Like every other college, you will get breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I don't know about you, but I find food here at West Point quite delicious and scrumptuous. Now, some of the things I might tell you really depend on what company you are in, and who your cadre is. Because, I was lucky enough to have a cadre who did not really care about table etiquette. As far as I know, table etiquette during Beast is quite crucial. Every mistake you make, you will get yelled at, and corrected on right off the bat. Because, the tables around me were being screamed and yelled at throughout the whole meal every day. Of course, they will teach you the table etiquette, but to make your life easier, let me straighten things out for you.
You will enter the Mess Hall with your company and proceed to the designated table. Table sits 10 people: 4 on each side, and 1 on each end. It's basically a long rectangular table. On one end of the table, where all the hot sauce, barbeque sauce, and spices are languished on, is where your cadre is going to sit. Then the rest of the sits are for the new cadets (you). So as soon as you get to the table, you stand behind the chair, standing at "parade rest." Parade rest means you stand with your feet apart about 1 foot apart. And your hands behind your back, above your butt, one hand over the other making like a butterfly. Then, the PA system or speakers will announce "Regiment. Attention!" That's when everyone in the mess hall go back to stand attention, meaning feet together, head and eyes straight forward, and cupped fist on each hip. Then, couple seconds later, PA system will say "Take Seats." Then, that is when everyone take seats. Those who don't have duties must immediately have hot dog fold napkin on their laps; the folded side must be facing towards you. There should be a plate with a picture of crest on the edge of the plate. Turn it so that crest of the plate is facing straight up. Then put the knife and fork on top right of the plate, but don't cover the crest. Set them so that they are diagonal. Knife has to be on top of fork. You are all set, and just keep staring at the crest at all times while you are waiting for three table duty people to finish their duties. Cold beverage corporal sits on the other end of the table (opposite side of your cadre). On Cold beverage's left sits the gunner. And the right of cold beverage coporal sits the hot beverage corporal.
You will enter the Mess Hall with your company and proceed to the designated table. Table sits 10 people: 4 on each side, and 1 on each end. It's basically a long rectangular table. On one end of the table, where all the hot sauce, barbeque sauce, and spices are languished on, is where your cadre is going to sit. Then the rest of the sits are for the new cadets (you). So as soon as you get to the table, you stand behind the chair, standing at "parade rest." Parade rest means you stand with your feet apart about 1 foot apart. And your hands behind your back, above your butt, one hand over the other making like a butterfly. Then, the PA system or speakers will announce "Regiment. Attention!" That's when everyone in the mess hall go back to stand attention, meaning feet together, head and eyes straight forward, and cupped fist on each hip. Then, couple seconds later, PA system will say "Take Seats." Then, that is when everyone take seats. Those who don't have duties must immediately have hot dog fold napkin on their laps; the folded side must be facing towards you. There should be a plate with a picture of crest on the edge of the plate. Turn it so that crest of the plate is facing straight up. Then put the knife and fork on top right of the plate, but don't cover the crest. Set them so that they are diagonal. Knife has to be on top of fork. You are all set, and just keep staring at the crest at all times while you are waiting for three table duty people to finish their duties. Cold beverage corporal sits on the other end of the table (opposite side of your cadre). On Cold beverage's left sits the gunner. And the right of cold beverage coporal sits the hot beverage corporal.
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